As the hookah industry developed, more and more manufacturers came, trying to make the best hookah flavors that hookah smokers could wear all day long. As a result, there are more options for shisha cigarettes, the more choices you have and the more likely you will be confused.
Well In this article will mention more best hookah flavors recommended for beginners because hookah is so widespread and visited by many would-be smokers every day and has shared many flavors. So let’s see what are the best flavors and break down all the best hookah flavors.
6 Best Hookah Flavors
- Hydro Herbal Peach
Hydro herbal Peach is the best because it contains no tobacco in its products and caters to non-tobacco users and smokers around the world. Hydro herbal shisha company is the best and leading herbal shisha company in its industry including molasses if you don’t get tobacco as a flavoring ingredient. This Hydro herbal Peach offers the best hookah smoking flavor like a fantastic cloud containing tobacco.
- Khalil Mamoon Mango
The fruit flavor on the list this time is mango. Fruit lovers and smokers should try this taste of Khalil Mammon Mango Fruit Shisha. Especially if you love mangoes and love to eat mangoes, you must try this fantastic and amazingly delicious taste. You get the pure taste and aroma of mango fruit and give you the experience of smoking natural fruit flavored hookah.
- Overdozz Wild Night Out
It’s called Overdozz. However, it will not cause an overdose. It feels good to smoke hookah yourself and try something different from your habit of smoking hookah all day using this Overdozz Wild Night Out which is a wild taste to sip the night with your friends.
- Al-Fakher Mint Flavor
It is a great hookah brand and has many exotic flavors to serve its customers. Its mint flavor has a fan base and whatever ingredients make it and mint is the best-selling flavor worldwide.However if you are looking for an authentic and quality mint flavor, try Al-Fakher Mint Flavor instead and you can mix this mint flavor with other flavors you like for a better hookah session.
- Tangiers Cane Mint
Tangiers Cane Mint is one of the best flavors you should try before you die. So Before that happens, try to feel this surprising joy.From most people’s point of view, the most delicious mint flavor is Al-Fakher mint, but when you try this flavor, you will definitely be surprised by the this flavor.
Like the previous brand, Tangiers Cane Mint is also made from dark-colored and unwashed tobacco leaves. Otherwise, Tangiers Cane Mint will have other flavors in their lineup that are all good and have a wide variety of flavors to try.
- Starbuzz Blue Mist
Hookah enthusiasts and professional smokers alike already know what Statbuzz has to offer to casual smokers. The taste of this hookah is so unique that everyone will fall in love with it. Starbuzz Blue Mist is the best-selling flavor, the most famous flavor, and many titles have been awarded to this flavor over the years.
But one thing’s for sure, if you want to experience what this Starbuzz Blue Mist has to offer, buy one and use it in your hookah bowl to find something better. Starbucks Blue Mist itself has a chocolate flavor with a little nicotine, so even beginners can easily smoke it.
Remember that each of the best hookah flavors above offers a different taste. If you are a beginner, choose the appropriate flavor. So don’t try strong flavors. So hopefully this article helped you find the best hookah flavors to smoke with your loved ones or a group of your closest friends.